Archived: Common culture of the Nymph

Deity: Vanessa


  • Diplomatic
  • Empathic

Common languages:

  • Nymph
  • Northern trade (English)
  • Southern trade (English)

Common societal structures:

  • Tribal
  • Individual pilgrim

Example female names:

  • Aegenia
  • Messelise
  • Tess
  • Kalliphae
  • Zelipea
  • Nemea
  • Gatalea
  • Claironei
  • Kikki
  • Meliphia
  • Damara

Example male names:

  • Cimon
  • Cos
  • Castor
  • Cadmus
  • Salmoneus
  • Calchas
  • Nikolos
  • Thersites
  • Bastien
  • Prokopios

Most nymphs live in woodland tribes among other nymphs. Their tribes tend to be more open to outsiders compared to shanata and feyfolk tribes.

Most nymphs will find love in their own tribe or settlements surrounding it. However there are nymphs who do not find a compatible partner in any nearby settlement. Driven by their nature these nymphs will journey out of their settlements to find love in other places. This journey is referred to as "The great walk".

In preparation of these great walks they usually learn the basics of both Northern Trade (language) and Southern Trade (language) and sometimes learn the native language of a specific race if they find that race particularly attractive.

Nymphs that have not yet found a reproductive mate sometimes surround themselves with many potential love interests in order to increase the chance of finding someone to reproduce with. Such a temporary harem sometimes travels with the nymph on "the great walk", with people falling in or out of the group. Some of these mini communities are highly supportive and loving, acting like a surrogate family. Others can be viper nests filled with jealousy fuelled in-fighting.

After finding a person they can successfully mate with, most nymphs turn monogamous and tend to settle down with their partner. What happens to the harems after that depends on the harem.

Nymph communities exist spread out across Heimr. One large concentration of Nymphs is found in the Undain woods . Many of these communities actively resist the encroaching Midgardian civilization.


Nymphs have a fairly standard omnivore diet. They are more inclined to eat food that increases their attractiveness or enhances their libido.

Use of their hair feathers

Feathers grow from their heads next to the hair that grows on most humanoids. These feathers often end up interwoven with their normal hairs which leads to a beautiful and colourful hairdo.

Nymphs often wear headdresses or other clothing made from the feathers of their own head or other feathers to enhance their appearance. Especially nymphs with a high standing have elaborate feathered accessories or clothing to announcing their status.

Inspirational Links


Last updated Mon, 30-01-2023 22:16 by Brian Bors
Created Mon, 25-01-2021 21:55 by Anonymous

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