The Living Machine


This interstellar faction is one of the stronger factions in the interstellar neighbourhood although there are two stronger then it. It sells BioTech to individuals and other factions. Their members are highly biologically modified.

About 148 Worlds have joined this faction.

It is located INSERT MAP HERE


To us

We have a neutral relationship with this faction.

To other factions

The collective

The collective is neutral towards this faction and sells DST's trough their local supplier ( Siege Corp ) and some of their other local agents.

Siege Corp

Friendly Competitors. We have seen the two factions trade, but rarely. They seem more interested in quarreling over territory.

Empire of the Cloaked Hammer

Hostile. We have seen border skirmishes between the two factions.

Aurogan Defence Federation

Presumed Hostile. We have not seen these two factions do battle, but they actively avoid each others territory.


We have no known contacts amongst this faction.

Government type

Key figures

We do not know who the key figures of this faction are.

Laws and culture


We are unaware of any subfactions within this faction


How to recognize

Although a lone member of this faction might be somewhat hard to recognize. A group of individuals from this faction is surprisingly easy to identify as being part of the faction by the fact that they will have little to no recognizable members of the known races.

Likewise they tend to not have a lot of cybernetic implants unless it's a personal fashion choice in which case the visible metal parts of the implants tend to be very decorated instead of purely practical.

Prosthetics or external assistive technology tends to be absent as well, seeing as how medical injuries or disabilities are fixed with the help of bioengineering within the faction.

In the case of their spaceships, the case is the same. Recognizing an individual spaceship as being part of the faction is a hard thing to do. But if you spot a fleet of this faction is is recognizable by the fact that no two ships are alike. Some ships might have a common chassis and mass produced internal workings, but all ships go trough a personalisation process/step before being sold, making the ship unique. Without this step a product doesn't feel "finished" to the customers of this faction.

Protocol for contact

Encountering this faction is generally a rather safe experience. Although they seem to be offended by children in space, they do not act on this offense. Be on your guard if you carry children on board though.

Past encounters

Living Machine Encounter Log


The Living Machine is self sufficient and not reliant on trade from outside factions.

The Living Machine sells supplies to nearby factions and travelers. They seem specialized in bio engineering.


Little is known about the history of this faction

Laatst aangepast op zo, 08/01/2023 14:02 door Brian Bors
Aangemaakt op ma, 19/12/2022 23:30 door Brian Bors

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