Water carriers

This is a story told among many feyfolk tribes. Many variations exist.

There where two feyfolk that had a form for transporting water from a stream to the feyfolk city.

Every day they went to the stream. Filled up the sacks of their body with water and brought that water to the city. One of them walking on the left side of the road and the other on the right side.

One of the feyfolk was formed in such a way that the water never spilled from her body and she was very proud of the full sacks of water she brought to the city.

The other feyfolk was ashamed because his sacks had tiny holes in them and every day he arrived with just half his sacks filled with water.

After years of shame he could no longer take it and said to the elders "I am fullgrown and now wish for a new form so I can better fulfil my purpose. I am ashamed that I am only able to bring back half the water my sister can bring. Please grant me a form without holes."

The elders smiled at the feyfolk water carrier and the oldest of the group said "But can you not see the beautiful flowers we pluck from the side of the path to decorate our houses? You never wondered why they only grow on the left? We planted those there the day you crawled from your cocoon and always let you walk on the left side of the path. without your holes we would not have such beautiful flowers. Be proud of your sister yes, but also be proud of yourself."

And the young feyfolk grew old, never wishing for another form in his entire life.

Laatst aangepast op di, 05/04/2022 12:49 door Brian Bors
Aangemaakt op wo, 10/02/2016 10:03 door Anoniem

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