Divine realm of Danu

Danu's realm is a spiralling nacre metropolis, rising up from a endless ocean of flowing magma. It's magical splendour is beyond mortal comprehension, featuring unmeasurable high towers, flawless palaces, magical libraries and gleaming terraces, all shaped from the same mother-of-pearl. All around the city are parks and carefully cultivated forests which house all sorts of magical creatures. It is also in these gardens that Archangel Raer creates griffins to serve as Danu's angels.

Ranging from white to soft pink and shimmering purple, the nacre towers hold several choirs of angels, constantly praising the love and warmth Mother Danu provides. Only a single gleaming path reaches through the searing magma-lakes towards the Nacre City; a path that every follower must walk. Roaming Fire Elementals separate the chaff from the weed, dragging the souls of 'evil' mortals to the searing depths below.

The Nacre City is circular in nature, build around a whirlpool of magma that reaches far down into the layers of flaming liquid. A large circular red gate awaits at it's mouth, leading to the underground caves and lava streams in which Danu's demons reside. Within these searing depths, immense alabaster fortresses are build - their foundation reaching deep into the white-hot streams below. Sacrifices are placed upon a great pyre, and it is from their ashes that Archdemon Shaiat creates new Fire Elementals - the dark emissaries of Danu, advocates of her burning hatred.

Laatst aangepast op vr, 16/07/2021 10:55 door Anoniem
Aangemaakt op zo, 15/12/2013 11:55 door Anoniem

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