
In the old days the lands of Lhengard were relatively empty, occupied only by those who sought to escape the more civilized realms and return to nature. Now it exists in a state of constant war. The Marsh is one of the main routes through which Utgard seeks access to the inner lands. Troops constantly move through en route to war against would-be invaders. As the war has gone on, the swamp-like lowlands have been fortified. The locals are great hunters and scouts, adept at guerilla warfare and skilled with bow and axe.

The hunters of Lhengard maintain a constant watch on the roads through their land, and they are swift to act in any raiders are sighted. Runners are dispatched to summon reinforcements while the Asgardian regiments are mustered to hold back the enemy.

Rivers and lakes

- Worm River - The Amber


- Undergrowth Depths - Amberwoods - Wormwoods

Laatst aangepast op vr, 16/07/2021 10:55 door Anoniem
Aangemaakt op za, 08/06/2013 13:25 door Anoniem

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