Service Skills

Service Skills

The service skills can be used to make people feel better and to distract them from stressful situations. Getting paid fairly to do such thankless jobs might be the hardest challenge.

=Skill Street Performer
=Points 3
=WP 1
=Unique Rule Spend at least 15 minutes performing: For every 5 minutes of your performance, one member of your audience (you choose) regains 1 WP or the use of their "indulgence".
=Unique Rule Spend 1 WP for every 5 minutes of your performance, except for the first 15 minutes each day.
=Details Performance may include juggling, storytelling, playing an instrument, singing, theatre etc.
=Skill Prostitute
=Points 3
=WP 1
=Unique Rule Spend 15 minutes in private with another person, providing sexual favours and spend 1 WP. They regain 1WP or the use of their "indulgence".
=Unique Rule You can use this skill 3 times a day without spending willpower.
=Details The oldest profession. Normal sex doesn't give back willpower, but you are specially trained in the art of pleasing your clients.
=Skill Health Specialist
=Points 6
=WP 1
=Unique Rule Spend 15 minutes attending to a person's healthcare and spend 1 WP. They regain 1WP or the use of their "indulgence"
=Unique Rule You can use this skill 5 times a day without spending willpower.
=Details Healthcare may include massages, skin care, barbering, piss-propheting, make-up, etc.
=Skill Weeper
=Points 4
=WP 1
=Unique Rule Spend at least 10 minutes mourning. For every 5 minutes, one member of the funeral attendees (you choose) regains 1 WP or the use of their "indulgence".
=Unique Rule Spend 1 WP for every 5 minutes of mourning at somebodies funeral, except for the first 25 minutes each day.
=Details Professional weepers are skilled at making the dead person look more important than he or she was and are good at consoling random strangers about death.
Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 23-10-2012 10:03